Laura O’Toole, President, Santa Rosa Consulting on current healthcare crisis and future readiness

We welcome Laura O’Toole with Santa Rosa Consulting Inc. in this episode of This Week in Health Tech and she presents a very candid and insightful view on the current healthcare crisis and how to be better prepared for the future.
We start out with the introduction of Laura and Santa Rosa Consulting, a healthcare-focused company.
Vik comments about the new virtual world we live in and Laura reflects on how it has affected the way her staff communicates with clients and how she encourages engagement even internally within the company with online happy hour and other ways.
Laura talks about how healthcare had to adjust rapidly in the last 4-5 months and digital transformation taking place in healthcare.
We comment about interoperability and taking advantage of cloud infrastructure for rapid implementation of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Mobile Apps.
Laura comments about test automation which is an integral part of digital transformation especially with the addition of so many digital tools.
We comment about tools that can be used for better communication like Intranet so companies can keep staff updated no matter where employees are located. 

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Linkedin: Vik Patel
Linkedin: Jimmy Kim
LinkedIn: Laura O’Toole

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