2 – The Overnight Need for Telehealth & the Barriers to Access with Lora Alexander

Lora Alexander, Vice President of Engagement & Design at Icario joins the show to talk about one aspect of healthcare that needed to transform overnight—literally—during the height of the pandemic: telehealth. In this episode, Lora discusses how behavioral research has supported telehealth & healthcare during the pandemic, answering questions like:

How were we able to implement telehealth so quickly? What has Icario’s role been to connect more people to health? What makes you feel optimistic about the future?

Plus, a conversation about the digital divide and the barriers we still need to overcome to make telehealth accessible for all. 

To connect with Lora: https://www.linkedin.com/in/loraalexander/

To learn more about Icario: https://www.icariohealth.com 

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