Consumer-First Health Group
The two types of Telemedicine: Synchronous vs Asynchronous with Dr. Purdy
In this episode of This Week in Health Tech, Vik and Jimmy invite Dr. Laura Purdy, CEO and CoFounder of MD Integrations, All in One Telehealth solutions company. Dr. Purdy is a 15 year army veteran and started her career in military medical school and as a hospitalist in military. She realized early on that…
Read MoreDoctors Just Took a Pay Cut – VBP in 2022 with Gail Zahtz – Part 3
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and Quality Payment Program , and there are big changes to physician payments. In particular, the Medicare conversion factor, which forms the…
Read MoreAre We Crying Wolf? VBP in 2022 with Gail Zahtz – Part 2
We planned to discuss quality measures but shifted to address a very important piece of listener feedback after the and . The comments came from a doctor in the audience and I know there are many more doctors and healthcare administrators who feel…
Read MoreHow to deal with expectations for digital apps and increase access to on-demand care
In this Halloween special of This Week in Health Tech, Vik and Jimmy discuss digital transformation and AI with guest Shelby Sanderford, CEO of Docpace. Shelby shares her story of how she got started in healthcare IT working in a hospital. They are on a mission to eliminate wait times for patients and eliminate need…
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