Consumer-First Health Group

7 – How Community Healthcare Workers Innovate to Overcome Medication-Related SDoH Barriers

In this episode we are joined by June Simmons, President & CEO with Partners in Care Foundation and Ray Woosley, Founding President of the Arizona Center for Education and Research on Therapeutics. They discuss the critical role of community healthcare workers in the HomeMeds program and share stories about the incredible impact this program has…

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Taking Friction Out of the Prescription Process with Surescripts Real-time Prescription Benefit – Dr. Andrew Mellin

Surescripts is at the center of almost all prescriptions for medications in the US. In this era, when almost no other kind of prescriptions are being allowed, how is Surescripts thinking about digital prescriptions? How has Surescripts adapted to the…

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Episode 5: Nursing Homes, COVID-19 and a River of Grief

You have probably heard the headlines: The coronavirus is hitting our nursing homes and long-term care facilities hard. By late April, more than 11,000 people have died from the disease in US nursing homes. But those people are more than numbers. They’re our loved ones and friends. On the first half of this two-part episode…

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Special – Philanthropy in Healthcare with Paurvi Bhatt of the Medtronic Foundation

Philanthropy, volunteering, and being present in our community are important aspects of what it means to work at Revel. As an organization, we work hard to offer diverse volunteer opportunities for our team and have established partnerships with local charities to make a difference in our community. We’re inspired by organizations that do the same…

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Preparing to Reopen Healthcare Services

Finally, there is a glimmer of hope, and lots of states and provinces in North America are starting to prepare to reopen more healthcare services.  Vik and Jimmy comment on how health systems are planning and preparing to reopen more services like diagnostic services, radiology, non-urgent and elective procedures, and also ambulatory-clinic visits.  They talk…

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