Consumer-First Health Group
Special – SDoH Side Effects from COVID-19 – Social Isolation & Loneliness with Sara Ratner
In this special edition episode of RadioRev, we’re joined by Sara Ratner, Senior Vice President of Government Programs and Strategic Initiatives at Revel Health. Sara is a frequent guest of RadioRev and joins the show to talk about some of the side effects of the actions being taken to protect citizens from COVID-19. We have…
Read MoreMaking Value-Based Care Work in Rural Health
Today’s episode is about how the Rural Risk-Free Solution helps rural hospitals and health systems take on risk faster to achieve value-based care. The methodology is a community / population health approach. By providing analytics on care metrics,…
Read More3: COVID-19: How Many Patient 31s Has the U.S. Overlooked?
As the coronavirus spreads across the world, so does uncertainty. On this episode of Broken Healthcare, we tell the story of a young woman in Seattle who exhibited symptoms but couldn’t get access to a test. She was forced to choose forgoing a paycheck or exposing at-risk patients to the virus. To make some sense…
Read MoreUsing Technology to combat COVID-19
Jimmy and Vik would first of all like to thank all healthcare staff with the growing demand for healthcare services and risking your own health to take care of patients. In this episode, Vik and Jimmy comment on the COVID-19 situation and impact on general life and businesses especially healthcare. They talk about the use of hospital…
Read More2 – There’s No One-Size-Fits-All Solution to SDoH with Craig Kennedy
Craig Kennedy is the CEO at Medicaid Health Plans of American (MHPA). In this episode, Craig discusses the personal challenges and complications that we often don’t think of when we discuss SDoH, including his own personal experience growing up in rural Oregon. Questions we discuss include: Why is it important to address SDoH now? What…
Read More1 – Laying the Groundwork & Defining Social Determinants of Health with Dr. Pierre Vigilance
Pierre Vigilance, MD, MPH is a population health expert joining the premiere episode of RadioRev to talk about social determinants of health. In this episode, Pierre lays the foundation for the SDoH season and answers questions like: How should we be talking about SDoH? Is there a dedicated dictionary of terms and definitions for SDoH?…
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