What’s up with IBM Watson Health? A Discussion on the State of AI in Healthcare with Paddy Padmanabhan

IBM Watson Health came on the scene with swagger and promises. They were going to revolutionize healthcare! And now the unit may be for sale. We don’t yet know what’s really going on there, but the commentary surrounding this rumor provides some interesting points for discussion. What is the state of AI in healthcare? Is the industry ready for it? Will doctors use it? Is it going to kill us if it’s not perfect? There’s a lot to explore. 

On this episode, Paddy Padmanabhan joins us to hash it all out. Paddy is the Founder and CEO at DAMO Consulting, Host of The Big Unlock podcast, and co-author of the new book Healthcare Digital Transformation: How Consumerism, Technology and Pandemic are Accelerating the Future with Edward Marx. We discuss what’s working today (think administrative functions), and what may still be a ways off (think complex cancer diagnostics). Plus we get into the challenges of regulation, ethics, patient safety, messaging, and more. 


About Paddy Padmanabhan

Paddy Padmanabhan is the author of the best-selling book Healthcare Digital Transformation – How Consumerism, Technology and Pandemic are Accelerating the Future. He is the founder and CEO of Damo Consulting, a digital transformation advisory firm that works with healthcare enterprises and digital health companies. He is the host of The Big Unlock, a widely subscribed podcast focusing on healthcare digital transformation. He is also the author of the book The Big Unlock: Harnessing Data and Growing Digital Health Businesses in a Value-Based Era.


About DAMO Consulting

Damo Consulting provides digital transformation advisory services to enable healthcare organizations navigate the technology-enabled transition to telehealth and virtual care. We bring deep industry knowledge, market insights and technology skills to help develop and implement enterprise digital roadmaps. We work with healthcare IT and digital health firms to develop and execute market growth strategies.



More on AI and Machine Learning in Healthcare


The #HCBiz Show! is produced by Glide Health IT, LLC in partnership with Netspective Media.

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