In Need of (Clinical Decision) Support | Dr. Lucas Schulz | UW Health & ILÚM Health Solutions

On this episode, we chat with Dr. Lucas Schulz (@LucasTSchulz), infectious disease and critical care pharmacist at University of Wisconsin Health. Luke is also an adviser to ILÚM Health Solutions – an infectious disease (ID) platform and real-time information service that supports patient management decisions, quality programs, and better outcomes through:

  • Clinical collaboration and ongoing quality consulting
  • Program level insight
  • Point-of-care clinical decision support

Luke helps us to understand:

  • What it means to be an infectious disease and critical care pharmacist
  • How to establish an Antimicrobial Stewardship program and which health system teams/departments are involved
  • How a platform like ILÚM helps you move from anecdotal to evidenced-based medicine
  • How to deliver high quality care and simultaneously deal with the business and financial pressures of running a health system

This interview is part of our HIMSS18 coverage. We’ll be talking with thought leaders and vendors all week at the annual Health Information Management Society conference in Las Vegas.



About Dr. Lucas Schulz

Dr. Lucas Schulz is the infectious diseases clinical coordinator and PGY2 Infectious Diseases residency program director at University of Wisconsin Health. Following graduation from the University of Wisconsin – School of Pharmacy, he completed PGY1 and PGY2 critical care residencies at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics. In his current role, he is responsible for all anti-infective use across the UW Health enterprise leading the antimicrobial stewardship program at UW Health and is involved with all institutional committees pertaining to infectious diseases.  He has served as PGY2 Infectious Diseases Residency Program Director for 7 years

His patient care, research, and teaching activities focus on antimicrobial stewardship, PK/PD optimization, hospital-acquired infections, and clinical decision support development. 32 peer-reviewed publications on infectious diseases topics. Currently serves on the Wisconsin Department of Health Antimicrobial Steering Committee, a panel member for the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guideline on prevention and treatment of cancer-related infections, and the programming committee for the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists 2017 Annual Meeting. Active member of the Vizient Antimicrobial Stewardship Taskforce and Research Committee.




About ILÚM Health Solutions

ILÚM Health Solutions was created by Merck HSS and shares the vision to improve health and well-being. ILÚM is a specialized service focused on the unique challenges of infectious disease with the goal of supporting improved patient and hospital outcomes. Their technology-enabled solution helps leverage HIT assets to maximize the impact of quality programs.

ILÚM Health Solutions aims to help hospitals and healthcare institutions:

  • Efficiently target patients and accelerate time to interventions to make improved empiric treatment decisions
  • Efficiently and consistently track performance, prescribing, and patient outcomes
  • Enhance timely communication and clinical collaboration within workflow 


You can find the rest of our HIMSS18 Interviews here.

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The #HCBiz Show! is produced by Glide Health IT, LLC in partnership with Netspective Media.

Music by StudioEtar

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